Your Stories
Send Stories
This section explains how you can send us your story.
There are three ways you can send your story:

You can print out the form below, complete it and then post your completed form plus your story to:
Surviving through Story
RIX Centre
Knowledge Dock Building
University of East London
4 - 6 University Way
London E16 2RD

Or you can complete the form below and email your scanned completed form plus your story to:

Or you can complete the form online and send us your story on this website.

Please note, for us to publish your story you MUST fill in the consent form.
If you have already put something online, do send us the link to:
You do not need to fill in a consent form, but please tell us that everyone who took part is happy for it to be shown on a different website.
If you would like some help to fill in the form, you can email Kanchan and she will help you.