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Your Stories

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Form 3: Background information 16 and over

Where are you living or staying during this crisis?
Has your living situation changed since the crisis?


Sharing my background information with the

Surviving through Story project team

Please show us that you understand…

The Surviving through Story team are collecting this information to help them know if they are

reaching the right people
I do not have to complete this form

The information will be used anonymously: e.g.  “a young person/boy/girl”,

not my name
My information will be kept private and secure
My information will be deleted after 3 years

I am happy for this background information to be used:

On our website
On social media like Facebook
On TV or radio
In books and articles for people to read
In funding applications
In newspapers and magazines
In talks performances and exhibitions

If I needed support to make these decisions, this is who supported me:

Thanks for completing all our forms. You have now finished!!

Remember: We ask for your contact details in case we need to get in touch with you about your piece. We will keep your personal information safe and private.
But if we think there is a need to keep you (or someone else) safe,
we will tell someone who can help you.

We will delete your contact details after 7 years.



This project has been reviewed by, and received a favourable opinion from,
The Open University Human Re-search Ethics Committee, reference HREC/3606/Tilley

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